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Negative Verb Practice Exercises

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Vocabulary used in this section

This is the same list of verbs from the previous practice exercise. We will use the same verbs from the last exercise to practice conjugating to the negative tense.
I have listed the kanji you will need for the vocabulary for your convenience. The link will take you to a diagram of the stroke order. However, it doesn't clearly show the direction (though you can kind of tell by the animation) so you should check with a kanji dictionary if you're not sure. I recommend practicing the kanji in the context of real words (such as the ones below).
  1. - see
  2. - come; next
  3. - go; conduct
  4. - go home
  5. - eat; food
  6. - drink
  7. - buy
  8. - sell
  9. - hold
  10. - wait
  11. - read
  12. - walk
  13. - run
  14. - play
Here is a list of some common verbs you will definitely want to learn at some point.
  1. する - to do
  2. しゃべる - to talk; to chat
  3. 見る【みる】 - to see
  4. 来る【くる】 - to come
  5. 行く【いく】 - to go
  6. 帰る 【かえる】 - to go home
  7. 食べる 【たべる】 - to eat
  8. 飲む 【のむ】 - to drink
  9. 買う 【かう】 - to buy
  10. 売る 【うる】 - to sell
  11. 切る 【きる】 - to cut
  12. 入る 【はいる】 - to enter
  13. 出る 【でる】 - to come out
  14. 持つ 【もつ】 - to hold
  15. 待つ 【まつ】 - to wait
  16. 書く【かく】 - to write
  17. 読む 【よむ】 - to read
  18. 歩く 【あるく】 - to walk
  19. 走る 【はしる】 - to run
  20. 遊ぶ 【あそぶ】 - to play

Practice with Negative Verb Conjugations

We learned how to classify the following verbs in the previous practice exercise. Now, we are going to put that knowledge to use by conjugating the same verbs into the negative tense depending on which type of verb it is. The first answer has been given as an example.

verbnegative tense
行く 行かない
出る 出ない
する しない
買う 買わない
売る 売らない
食べる 食べない
入る 入らない
来る こない
飲む 飲まない
しゃべる しゃべらない
見る 見ない
切る 切らない
帰る 帰らない
書く 書かない
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This page has last been revised on 2006/4/18