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It is also possible to just add 「れる」 instead of the full 「られる」 for ru-verbs. For example, 「食べる」 becomes 「食べれる」 instead of 「食べられる」. I suggest learning the official 「られる」 conjugation first because laziness can be a hard habit to break and the shorter version, though common, is considered to be slang.
(1) 漢字は書けますか?
- Can you write kanji?
(2) 残念だが、今週末は行けない。
- It's unfortunate, but can't go this weekend.
(3) もう信じられない。
- I can't believe it already.
(誤) 富士山を登れた。
(誤) 重い荷物を持てます。
Here are the corrected versions:
(正) 富士山が登れた。- Was able to climb Fuji-san.
(正) 重い荷物が持てます。- Am able to hold heavy baggage.
Of course, the 「は」 or 「も」 particle is also possible depending on what you want to say.
(1) 今日は晴れて、富士山が見える。
- It cleared up today and Fuji-san is visible.
(2) 友達のおかげで、映画はただで見られた。
- Thanks to [my] friend, [I] was able to watch the movie for free.
(3) 友達のおかげで、映画をただで見ることができた。
- Thanks to [my] friend, [I] was able to watch the movie for free.
You can see that (3) uses the generic noun for an event to say literally, "The event of seeing movie was able to be done." which essentially means the same thing as 「見られる」. As already explained in Particles 3, you can also just use generic noun substitution to substitute for 「こと」.
(1) 友達のおかげで、映画を見るのができた。
Here's some more examples using 「聞く」, can you tell the difference? Notice that 「聞こえる」 always means "audible" and never "able to ask".
(1) 久しぶりに彼の声が聞けた。
- I was able to hear his voice for the first time in a long time.
(2) 周りがうるさくて、彼が言っていることがあんまり聞こえなかった
- The surroundings were noisy and I couldn't hear what he was saying very well。
(1) そんなことはありうる。
- That kind of situation/event is possible (lit: can exist).
(2) そんなことはありえる。
- That kind of situation/event is possible (lit: can exist).
(3) そんなことはありえない。
- That kind of situation/event is not possible (lit: cannot exist).
(4) 彼が寝坊したこともありうるね。
- It's also possible that he overslept. (lit: The event that he overslept also possibly exists.)
(5) それは、ありえない話だよ。
- That's an impossible story/scenario. (lit: That story/scenario cannot exist.)
This page has last been revised on 2006/9/6 Revised examples and translations (2006/9/6)