To start with, I have listed the kanji you will need for the vocabulary for your convenience. The link will take you to a diagram of the stroke order.
However, it doesn't clearly show the direction (though you can kind of tell by the animation) so you should check with a kanji dictionary if you're not sure.
I recommend practicing the kanji in the context of real words (such as the ones below).
- 何 - what
- 映 - projection
- 画 - picture
- 彼 - he
- 女 - female
- 昨 - previous
- 日 - day
- 今 - now
- 明 - bright
- 知 - know
- 合 - match
- 鉛 - lead
- 筆 - brush
- 入 - enter
- 口 - mouth
- 出 - exit
- 図 - plan
- 書 - write
- 館 - building