
We’ve already used some adjectives as the state-of-being but we have yet to describe a noun directly with adjectives. In order to do this, we first have to learn the two different types of adjectives in Japanese.

There are two types of adjectives called i-adjectives and na-adjectives.

Examples of i-adjectives

All i-adjectives end in 「い」.

  1. いい – good
  2. かっこいい – cool; handsome
  3. 忙しい 【いそが・しい】 – busy
  4. 楽しい 【たの・しい】- fun
  5. 暑い 【あつ・い】 – hot
  6. 寒い 【さむ・い】 – cold

Examples of na-adjectives

All adjectives that do not end in 「い」 are na-adjectives.

  1. 好き 【す・き】 – likable
  2. 元気 【げん・き】 – healthy; lively
  3. 静か 【しず・か】 – quiet

Examples of na-adjectives that end in 「い」

Though most adjectives that end in 「い」 are i-adjectives, there are a small number of na-adjectives that end in 「い」. The examples below are some of the most common na-adjectives that end in 「い」.

  1. きれい – clean; pretty
  2. 嫌い 【きら・い】 – distasteful
  3. 幸い 【さいわ・い】 – luckily, fortunately

Describing nouns directly

You can easily describe a noun by placing the adjective directly in front of the noun. For na-adjectives, you first need to add 「な」 before you can attach the adjective to the noun (hence the name).


  1. 人 【ひと】 – person
  2. 時 【とき】 – when
  3. ゲーム – game
  4. 物 【もの】 – object; thing

Toggle Translations

  1. いい人
    good person
  2. 元気
    lively; healthy person
  3. きれい
    pretty person
  4. 忙しい時
    when busy
  5. 楽しいゲーム
    fun game
  6. 好き
    likable thing

You’re so-so handsome

  1. 山本 【やまもと】 – Yamamoto (surname)
  2. 新しい 【あたら・しい】 (i-adj) – new
  3. とても (adv) – very
  4. まあまあ (adv) – so-so
  5. ありがとうございます – thank you (polite)

Toggle Translations

スミス: 田中先生は、新しい先生ですか?
山本: そうですよ。
スミス: とてもきれいな人ですね。
山本: そうですか?
スミス: あっ、山本先生も、まあまあかっこいいですよ!
山本: ・・・ありがとうございます。

Smith: Is Tanaka-sensei a new teacher?
Yamamoto: That’s right.
Smith: (She’s) a very pretty person, isn’t she?
Yamamoto: Is that so?
Smith: Ah, Yamamoto-sensei is so-so handsome too!
Yamamoto: …Thank you.

Sentence-Ending Particles

Let’s add some life to our sentences by using sentence-ending particles. These particles are attached at the very end of the sentence to add an emotion or tone.

「よ」 and 「ね」 sentence endings

「よ」 and 「ね」 are two of the most frequently used sentence ending particles.

  1. 「ね」 is used when the speaker is seeking agreement and confirmation. It adds a tone similar to saying, “right?” or “isn’t it?”.
  2. 「よ」 is used when the speaker wants to point something out or make something aware to the listener. It adds a tone similar to saying, “you know?”.
  3. The two can be used together as 「よね」.


  1. 今日 【きょう】 – today
  2. 暑い 【あつ・い】 – hot (for climate/weather only)
  3. 明日 【あした】 – tomorrow
  4. 忙しい 【いそが・しい】 – busy
  5. ラーメン – ramen
  6. おいしい – tasty, delicous

Toggle Translations

  1. 今日は、暑いです
    As for today, (it’s) hot, isn’t it?
  2. 明日は、忙しいです
    As for tomorrow, (I’m) busy, you know.
  3. ラーメンは、おいしいですよね
    As for ramen, (it’s) tasty you know, isn’t it?!

You look young for a teacher

  1. 田中 【たなか】 – Tanaka (surname)
  2. いいえ – no
  3. とても – very
  4. 若い 【わか・い】 – young
  5. (お)いくつ – how old
  6. それ – that
  7. 秘密 【ひ・みつ】 – secret

Toggle Translations

スミス: はじめまして。スミスです。
田中: はじめまして。田中です。
スミス: 田中さんは、学生ですか?
田中: いいえ、先生です。
スミス: 本当ですか?
田中: 本当です
スミス: とても若いです。おいくつですか?
田中: それは、秘密です。

Smith: Nice to meet you. (I’m) Smith.
Tanaka: Nice to meet you. (I’m) Tanaka.
Smith: Tanaka-san, (are you) a student?
Tanaka: No, (I’m) a teacher.
Smith: Really?
Tanaka: It’s true, you know.
Smith: (You) are very young, right? How old (are you)?
Tanaka: That’s a secret.

Addressing People

Addressing other people directly

In Japanese, the word “you” is seldom used to refer to a person except in the case of very close relationships. Most of the time, you will refer to people using their name (last name is more polite than first) usually followed by a name-suffix. You have probably already heard 「さん」 somewhere at some point. It is the polite name-suffix used to refer to your social superiors, elders, or people you are unfamiliar with. The most common name-suffixes are listed below.

  • ~さん – Polite name-suffix (gender-neutral)
  • ~君 【くん】 – Casual name-suffix (generally for males)
  • ~ちゃん – Casual name-suffix (generally for females)

If you’re not sure which to use to address someone, 「さん」 with the person’s last name is generally the safest option. You can also always ask the person what they prefer to be called by.

Always sleepy

  1. はい – yes (polite)
  2. でも – but
  3. 眠い 【ねむ・い】 – sleepy
  4. それ – that
  5. 大変 【たい・へん】 – hardship; rough time; tough
  6. 大丈夫 【だい・じょう・ぶ】 – ok
  7. いつも – always

Toggle Translations

先生: スミスさんは、元気ですか。
スミス: はい、元気です。
先生: リーさんは、元気ですか?
リー: はい、元気です。でも、眠いです。
先生: それは、大変です。
スミス: 大丈夫です。リーさんはいつも眠いです。

Teacher: Smith-san, (are you) well?
Smith: Yes, (I’m) fine.
Teacher: Lee-san, (are you) well?
Lee: Yes, (I’m) fine. But (I’m) sleepy.
Teacher: That’s tough.
Smith: (It’s) ok. Lee-san is always sleepy.

Talking about yourself

We already saw that it’s usually understood implicitly by context when you’re talking about yourself. However, there are times you may still want to refer to yourself as a topic to say, “As for me…” or “me too”.

There are several options for referring to yourself depending on level of politeness and gender.

List of different words meaning me, myself, and I

  1. 私 【わたし】 – polite, gender-neutral
  2. 私 【わたくし】 – same Kanji as 「わたし」 but this reading is only used in very formal situations
  3. 僕 【ぼく】 – polite, masculine
  4. あたし – casual, very feminine
  5. 俺 【おれ】 – very casual and masculine

How’s the pizza?

  1. ピザ – pizza
  2. おいしい – tasty
  3. ううん – no (casual)

Toggle Translations

ジョン: ピザは、おいしい?
リー: ううん。
アリス: は、おいしい。

John: As for pizza, tasty?
Lee: No.
Alice: As for me, tasty.

This short conversation highlights a very important point. The topic only brings up the general topic of the conversation and does not necessarily indicate the subject of any one particular sentence. The last sentence 「私は、おいしい」 would be very strange if it meant “I am tasty”. However, because “I” is only a general topic, from the context of the entire conversation, we know that Alice is saying that as for her, the pizza is tasty.

Addressing family members

We’ve already encountered the honorific prefix 「お」 in 「お元気」. This prefix is used in all sorts of words and comes from a Kanji which can be read as either 「ご」 or 「お」. However, determining which reading to use is usually not an issue as this Kanji is usually written in Hiragana.

Definition: honorable
Stroke Order
Kun-yomi: お
On-yomi: ゴ
  1. 金 【お・かね】 – money
  2. 飯 【ご・はん】 – rice; meal
  3. 茶 【お・ちゃ】 – tea

The reason we’re looking at it here is because of how the honorific prefix is used to refer to family members. The basic idea is to use the honorific prefix when referring to somebody else’s family. You would not use honorifics to refer to your own family unless you are speaking to someone within your family. We will learn more about the concept of inner and outer circle for honorifics in a much later chapter.

The list below is by no means complete and only covers the more common words for the primary family members.

Family member chart
One’s own family Someone else’s family
Family 家族【か・ぞく】 ご家族【ご・か・ぞく】
Parents 両親【りょう・しん】 ご両親【ご・りょう・しん】
Mother 母【はは】 お母さん【お・かあ・さん】
Father 父【ちち】 お父さん【お・とう・さん】
Wife 妻【つま】 奥さん【おく・さん】
Husband 夫【おっと】 ご主人【ご・しゅ・じん】
Older Sister 姉【あね】 お姉さん【お・ねえ・さん】
Older Brother 兄【あに】 お兄さん【お・にい・さん】
Younger Sister 妹【いもうと】 妹さん【いもうと・さん】
Younger Brother 弟【おとうと】 弟さん【おとうと・さん】
Son 息子【むすこ】 息子さん【むすこ・さん】
Daughter 娘【むすめ】 娘さん【むすめ・さん】

Smith’s parents

  1. 山田 【やま・だ】 – Yamada (surname)
  2. アジア人 【あじあ・じん】 – Asian (person)
  3. いいえ – no
  4. でも – but
  5. 母 【はは】 – (one’s own) mother
  6. 日本人 【に・ほん・じん】 – Japanese (person)
  7. そう – so
  8. お父さん 【お・とう・さん】 – father
  9. 父 【ちち】 – (one’s own) father
  10. アメリカ人 【アメリカ・じん】 – American (person)
  11. なるほど (exp) – I see

Toggle Translations

山田: スミスさんは、アジア人ですか?
スミス: いいえ。でも、母は、日本人です。
山田: そうですか。お父さんは?
スミス: 父はアメリカ人です。
山田: なるほど。

Yamada: Smith-san, are (you) Asian (person)?
Smith: No. But, (my) mother is Japanese.
Yamada: Is that so? As for (your) father?
Smith: (My) father is American.
Yamada: I see.

Topic Particles

Context plays a powerful role in Japanese so one word sentences are perfectly fine for simple question and answers. However, longer and more sophisticated sentences will consist of many words that perform various grammatical roles. In Japanese, the grammatical role each word plays in a sentence is defined by particles. Particles are one or more Hiragana characters that assign a certain grammatical function to the word that comes before it. We’ll see how this works by first learning the topic particle.

「は」 Topic Particle

As mentioned previously, context is very important in Japanese and is often silently understood by the situation. However, what you want to talk about may not always be obvious or you may want to change the topic of the conversation. For that purpose, the 「は」 topic particle is used to indicate a new topic for the conversation.

Important note!

The topic particle while written as 「は」, is pronounced 「わ」.


  1. これ – this
  2. 何 【なに/なん】 – what
  3. それ – that
  4. ペン – pen
  5. 今 【いま】 – now
  6. ちょっと – a little (casual)
  7. 忙しい 【いそが・しい】 – busy
  8. 映画 【えい・が】 – movie
  9. 好き 【す・き】 – likable (unlike English “like” is an adjective not a verb)

Toggle Translations

  1. これは、何(なん)ですか?
    (As for) this, what is (it)?
  2. それは、ペンです。
    (As for) that, (it’s) a pen.
  1. 今は、忙しい?
    (As for) now, busy?
  2. 今は、ちょっと忙しい。
    (As for) now, (I’m) a little busy.
  1. 映画は、好きですか?
    (As for) movie(s), (do you) like? (lit: is likable?)
  2. 好きです。
    (I) like (them). (lit: Is likable.)


The topic particle is also used in the greetings for daytime and evening. The expressions were originally full sentences with a topic meaning, “As for today/tonight, how is your mood?” but they were eventually shortened to just “As for today” and “As for tonight”.

  1. こんにちは – Good day (pronounced 「こんにち」)
  2. こんばんは – Good evening (pronounced 「こんばん」)

How are things lately?

  1. 最近 【さい・きん】 – recent; lately
  2. どう – how
  3. 忙しい 【いそが・しい】 – busy

Toggle Translations

先生: こんにち
スミス: こんにち
先生: 最近、どうですか?
スミス: 忙しいです。

Teacher: Good day.
Smith: Good day.
Teacher: (As for) lately, how (is it)?
Smith: Busy.

「も」 Inclusive Topic Particle

The 「も」 particle used the same way as 「は」 topic particle but adds the meaning of “as well” or “also”.

Suspiciously busy

  1. 今日 【きょう】 – today
  2. 明日 【あした】 – tomorrow
  3. あさって – day after tomorrow
  4. うん – yes (casual)
  5. 本当 【ほんとう】 – truth; reality

Toggle Translations

リー: 今日は忙しい?
スミス: うん、忙しい。
リー: 明日は?
スミス: 明日忙しい。
リー: あさっては?
スミス: あさって
リー: 本当?

Lee: As for today, (are you) busy?
Smith : Yeah, (I’m) busy.
Lee: What about tomorrow?
Smith: Tomorrow is also busy.
Lee: What about the day after tomorrow?
Smith: The day after tomorrow too.
Lee: Really? (lit: Is it true?)


In English, the verb “to be” is used to describe what something is or where it is, for example: “He is a student” and “He is at school”. In Japanese, the two are described very differently. The state-of-being we will learn is used to describe only what something is and not where it exists.

The state-of-being is very easy to describe because it is implied within the noun or adjective. There is no need to use a verb nor even a subject to make a complete sentence in Japanese. Take for example, a casual conversation among friends asking, “How are you?”

How are you? (casual)

  • 元気 【げん・き】 – healthy; lively
    ※Used as a greeting to indicate whether one is well

A: 元気?
A: (Are you) well?

B: 元気。
B: (I’m) fine.

Polite State-of-being

While the previous dialogue may be fine among close friends, you should use the polite form when speaking to a teacher, a superior such as your boss, or people you’re not very familiar with.

For nouns and adjectives, all that is required for the polite form is to add 「です」 to the end of the sentence. We did this in our simple self-introduction in the last section and because it’s understood by context that you are talking about yourself, there is no need to add a subject.

We can ask questions in the polite form by further adding 「か」 to 「です」. The 「か」 is a question marker so a question mark is not necessary. Below is a simple greeting in the polite form.

How are you?

A: 元気ですか
A: (Are you) well?

B: 元気です
B: (I’m) well.

Practical Applications

Here’s an example of a casual morning greeting between two classmates and a polite morning greeting with the teacher.

Casual Morning Greeting

  1. おはよう – Good Morning (casual)

Toggle Translations

アリス: おはよう。
リー: おはよう。
アリス: 元気?
リー: 元気。

Alice: Morning.
Lee: Morning.
Alice: (Are you) well?
Lee: (I’m) good.

Polite Morning Greeting

  1. 先生 【せん・せい】 – teacher
  2. おはようございます – Good Morning (polite)
  3. お~ – a honorific prefix used for politeness and never used when referring to oneself

Toggle Translations

先生: おはようございます。
スミス: おはようございます!
先生: お元気ですか?
スミス: 元気です。

Teacher: Morning.
Smith: Good Morning!
Teacher: Are (you) well?
Smith: (I’m) well.

You can follow a similar model to practice greeting people in the morning. We’ll learn the expressions for afternoon and evening greetings in the next section.

Chapter Overview

At the end of the last chapter, we used Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji to create a simple self-introduction. In the process, we used 「です」 to express state-of-being. In this chapter, we will learn more about the state-of-being and how to use nouns and adjectives.

Chapter summary and practice

We covered all the sounds in Japanese, how they are written in Hiragana and Katakana, and how Kanji works. In addition, we also learned numbers up to 99 and how to count a person’s age. Let’s apply what we learned to come up with a simple self-introduction. The best way to learn a language is to regularly interact in that language and the only way to do that is to meet Japanese speakers so a self-introduction is an ideal way to practice.

Learning the expressions

You only need a couple of fixed expressions for your simple self-introduction.

  1. はじめまして
    Shortened form of an expression originally meaning “I meet you for the first time”. It’s a standard greeting similar in intent to “Nice to meet” or “How do you do?”
  2. よろしくおねがいします
    There is no easy direct translation but it means something along the lines of “please treat me well” when used at the end of an introduction.

Telling people your name

If you haven’t done so already, you’ll need to decide on what to call yourself in Japanese. As we’ve learned, Japanese has a relatively limited set of sounds so it’s very likely that your name will need to sound very different from its native pronunciation.

I would recommend asking your teacher or a Japanese speaker for help in converting your name to the Katakana equivalent. You may even want to ask the first person you introduce yourself to.

If you want to give it a try on your own (like right now), you can try this tutorial on finding your name in Japanese:

To say you are that name, you need only attach 「です」 to the name. The pronunciation is usually shortened to just “dess”. We will learn more about 「です」 in the next chapter.


Toggle Translations

(I am) [name].

  1. ブラウンです。
    (I am) Brown.
  2. アリス・スミスです。
    (I am) Alice Smith.

In Japan, the last name is given more weight so it is common to just go by your last name especially in a more formal environment such as the classroom or workplace. When using the full name, the last name always comes first for Japanese names. However, it can go either way for names from countries where the order is reversed.

Putting it all together


Using the fixed expressions and the vocabulary we learned in the last section, we now have everything we need for our simple self-introduction.

Below is a short list of potentially useful nouns to describe yourself for your self-introduction. Don’t forget that you need to add 「人」(じん) to the country for nationality.

  1. 自己紹介 【じ・こ・しょう・かい】 – self-introduction
  2. 大学生 【だい・がく・せい】 – college student
  3. 社会人 【しゃ・かい・じん】 – working adult
  4. 中国 【ちゅう・ごく】 – China
  5. 韓国 【かん・こく】 – South Korea
  6. カナダ – Canada
  7. イギリス – England
  8. オーストラリア – Australia
  9. フランス – France
  10. スペイン – Spain
  11. ブラジル – Brazil
  12. メキシコ – Mexico

Here’s an example of a simple self-introduction.

Toggle Translations


Nice to meet you. (I am) Alice Smith.
(I’m) American. (I’m a) college student.
(I’m) 18 years old.
Please treat me well.

Other expressions

In addition to practicing your self-introduction, a good way to practice pronunciation is to use various expressions for different scenarios. It’s ok if nobody around you speaks Japanese. They’ll understand you’re hard at work practicing.

  1. ありがとうございます – thank you (polite)
  2. すみません – sorry (polite)
  3. さようなら – good-bye (notice the long vowel sound!
  4. いただきます – used before eating a meal (lit: I humbly receive)
  5. ごちそうさまでした – used after finishing a meal (lit: It was a feast)
  6. いってきます – used when leaving home (lit: I’m going and coming back)
  7. いってらっしゃい – used as farewell for someone leaving the house (lit: Go and come back)
  8. ただいま – used when returning home
  9. お帰りなさい 【お・かえ・りなさい】 – welcome home

Basic numbers and age

1 to 10

Learning the first ten numbers is a one good way to get started in learning any language. For Japanese, it also allows us to get familiar with some basic and important Kanji. One thing to pay attention to is the fact that 4 and 7 have two possible pronunciations. The more common ones are bolded.

Numerals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Reading いち さん し/よん ろく しち/なな はち きゅう じゅう

11 to 99

As an added bonus, we don’t need to learn any more numbers to count up to 99. The tens digit is simply the number and ten. For example, two-ten is twenty, three-ten is thirty, etc. We will learn higher numbers past 99 in a later chapter.


  1. 十一 【じゅう・いち】 – 11
  2. 二十 【に・じゅう】 – 20
  3. 二十一 【に・じゅう・いち】 – 21
  4. 三十九 【さん・じゅう・きゅう】 – 39
  5. 四十 【よん・じゅう】 – 40
  6. 七十四 【なな・じゅう・よん】 – 74
  7. 九十九 【きゅう・じゅう・きゅう】 – 99

Counters and Age

Let’s use the numbers we just learned to talk about our age. In Japanese, we must use counters to count different types of things. The counter for counting age is 「~歳」(さい). Because the Kanji is rather difficult, it is also written as 「才」 (though it’s actually a completely different character)

Counters are simply attached to the end of the number. However, as we saw in the last section, Kanji readings can often go through small changes to aid pronunciation. The following digits are read slightly differently when used with the age counter. The age 20 is also a completely irregular reading.

Irregular readings

  1. 一歳 【いっ・さい】 – 1 year old
  2. 八歳 【はっ・さい】 – 8 years old
  3. 十歳 【じゅっ・さい】 – 10 years old
  4. 二十歳 【はたち】 – 20 years old


  1. 二十歳 【はたち】 – 20 years old
  2. 二十一歳 【に・じゅう・いっ・さい】 – 21 years old
  3. 四十八歳 【よん・じゅう・はっ・さい】 – 48 years old
  4. 七十歳 【なな・じゅっ・さい】 – 70 years old

We will learn many more counters in a later chapter.


The last and most notorious aspect of the Japanese written language is Kanji, which are Chinese characters adapted for Japanese. Most words in Japanese are written in Kanji even though they are still pronounced with the Japanese phonetic sounds represented by Hiragana and Katakana.

Stroke Order

When learning Kanji, it is very important to learn it with the proper stroke order and direction from the beginning in order to avoid developing any bad habits. Japanese learners often think that stroke order doesn’t matter as long as the end product looks the same. However, what they don’t realize is that there are thousands of characters and they are not always meticulously written the way they appear in print. Proper stroke order helps ensure the characters look recognizable even when you write them quickly or use more cursive styles.

The simpler characters called radicals are often reused as components in larger characters. Once you learn the radical stroke order and get used to the patterns, you’ll find that it’s not difficult to figure out the correct stroke order for most Kanji.

One good general rule of thumb is that strokes usually start from the top-left corner toward the bottom-right. This means that horizontal strokes are generally written from left to right and vertical strokes are written from top to bottom. In any case, if you’re not sure about the stroke order, you should always verify by looking the character up in a Kanji dictionary.

Kanji in Vocabulary

There are roughly over 2,000 characters used in modern Japanese so you can imagine that memorizing them one-by-one as you might for syllabaries such as Hiragana does not work very well.

An effective strategy for mastering Kanji is learning them with new vocabulary within a larger context. This way, we can associate contextual information with the character in order to reinforce memory. Remember that Kanji, ultimately, is used to represent actual words. So it is important to focus not so much on the characters themselves but the words and vocabulary that include those characters.

In this section, we will learn how Kanji works by learning a few common characters and vocabulary.

Kanji Readings

The first Kanji we will learn is 「人」, the character for ‘person.’ It is a simple two-stroke character where each stroke starts at the top. You may have noticed that the character as rendered by the font is not always the same as the hand-written style below. This is another important reason to check the stroke order.

Definition: person
Kun-yomi: ひと
On-yomi: ジン

Kanji in Japanese can have one or several readings. The reading for Kanji is split into two major categories called kun-yomi and on-yomi. Kun-yomi is the Japanese reading of the character while on-yomi is based on the original Chinese pronunciation.

Generally, Kun-yomi is used for words that only use one character. The actual word for “person” is one example.

Example: 人 【ひと】 – person

Kun-yomi is also used for native Japanese words including most adjectives and verbs.

On-yomi, on the other hand, is mostly used for words that originate from Chinese, which often use 2 or more Kanji. For that reason, on-yomi is often written in Katakana. We’ll see more examples as we learn more characters. With 「人」, one very useful example of an on-yomi is to attach it to names of countries to describe nationality.


  • アメリカ人 【アメリカ・じん】 – American (person)
  • フランス人 【フランス・じん】 – French (person)

While most characters will not have multiple kun-yomi or on-yomi, the more common characters such as 「人」 will generally have a lot more readings. Here, I only list the ones that are applicable to the vocabulary we learned. Learning a reading without a context within vocabulary will only create unnecessary confusion so I do not recommend learning all the readings at once.

Now that you have the general idea, let’s learn some more vocabulary and the Kanji used within them. The stroke order diagrams with red highlights show you where each stroke starts.

  1. 日本 【に・ほん】 – Japan
  2. 本 【ほん】 – book
Definition: sun; day
On-yomi: ニ
Definition: origin; book
On-yomi: ホン

  1. 学生 【がく・せい】 – student
  2. 先生 【せん・せい】 – teacher
Definition: academic
On-yomi: ガク
Definition: ahead; precedence
On-yomi: セン
Definition: life
On-yomi: セイ

  1. 高い 【たか・い】 – tall; expensive
  2. 学校 【がっ・こう】 – school
  3. 高校 【こう・こう】 – high school
Definition: tall; expensive
Kun-yomi: たか・い
On-yomi: コウ
Definition: school
On-yomi: コウ

  1. 小さい 【ちい・さい】 – small
  2. 大きい 【おお・きい】 – big
  3. 小学校 【しょう・がっ・こう】 – elementary school
  4. 中学校 【ちゅう・がっ・こう】 – middle school
  5. 大学 【だい・がく】 – college; university
  6. 小学生 【しょう・がく・せい】 – elementary school student
  7. 中学生 【ちゅう・がく・せい】 – middle school student
  8. 大学生 【だい・がく・せい】 – college; university student
Definition: small
Kun-yomi: ちい・さい
On-yomi: ショウ
Definition: middle; inside
On-yomi: チュウ
Definition: large
Kun-yomi: おお・きい
On-yomi: ダイ

  1. 国 【くに】 – country
  2. 中国 【ちゅう・ごく】 – China
  3. 中国人 【ちゅう・ごく・じん】 – Chinese (person)
Definition: country
Kun-yomi: くに
On-yomi: コク

  1. 日本語 【に・ほん・ご】 – Japanese language
  2. 中国語 【ちゅう・ごく・ご】 – Chinese language
  3. 英語 【えい・ご】 – English
  4. フランス語 【フランス・ご】 – French
  5. スペイン語 【スペイン・ご】 – Spanish
Definition: England
On-yomi: エイ
Definition: language
On-yomi: ゴ

With only 14 characters, we’ve managed to learn over 25 words ranging from China to elementary school student! Kanji is usually regarded as a major obstacle but as you can see, you can easily turn it into a valuable tool if you learn it in the context of vocabulary.

Okurigana and changing readings

You may have noticed some words that end with Hiragana such as 「高い」 or 「大きい」. Because those words are adjectives, the trailing Hiragana, called Okurigana are needed to perform various conjugations without affecting the Kanji. The thing to watch out for is remembering exactly where the Kanji ends and Hiragana begins. For example, you never want to write 「大きい」 as 「大い」.

You may have also noticed that the Kanji readings don’t always match the reading in a particular word. For example, 「学校」 is read as 「がっこう」 and not 「がくこう」. Readings often go through these small transformations to make pronunciation easier.

Ultimately, you’ll want to check the reading for any new words you encounter. Fortunately, it has become much easier to look up new Kanji thanks to online tools and electronic dictionaries. You can find a tutorial on how to use these tools at the following link:

Different Kanji for similar words

Kanji is often used to make subtle distinctions or give a different shade of meaning for a word. In some cases, it is very important to remember to use the correct Kanji for the correct situation. For example, while the adjective for hot is 「あつい」, when used to describe the climate, you must write it as 「暑い」. When you are describing a hot object or person, you must write it as 「熱い」 instead.

Definition: hot (for climate only)
Kun-yomi: あつ・い
Definition: heat; fever
Kun-yomi: あつ・い;ねつ

In other cases, while there is generic Kanji that can be used for all situations for a given word, the writer may use a more specialized version for stylistic reasons. The examples in this book will generally use the generic and usually simpler Kanji. If you want to find out more about using different Kanji for the same word, see the following link:

Additional Sounds

Though we have covered all the distinct characters in both Hiragana and Katakana, there are additional variations and sounds that still remain to be learned.

Voiced Consonants

Voiced consonants are consonant sounds that require a voice, creating a vibration in your throat. A number of consonant sounds in Hiragana and Katakana can be changed to their voiced counterpart by adding two small dashes to the upper-right corner of the character; namely the “k”, “s”, “t”, and “h” consonant sounds. There is also a semi-voiced consonant sound “p”, which is created by putting a small circle in the upper-right corner of the “h” characters.

Voiced Hiragana – Click for Sound
p b d z g  



Voiced Katakana – Click for Sound
p b d z g  




Y-vowel sounds

A consonant can precede the three y-sounds: 「や」、「ゆ」、 and 「よ」. This is done by attaching a small, half-size version of the y-sounds to the consonant+i sounds as you can see in the table below.

All small や、ゆ、and よ combinations in Hiragana – Click for Sound
p b j g r m h n c s k  
ぴゃ びゃ じゃ ぎゃ りゃ みゃ ひゃ にゃ ちゃ しゃ きゃ ya
ぴゅ びゅ じゅ ぎゅ りゅ みゅ ひゅ にゅ ちゅ しゅ きゅ yu
ぴょ びょ じょ ぎょ りょ みょ ひょ にょ ちょ しょ きょ yo
All small や、ゆ、and よ combinations in Katakana – Click for Sound
p b j g r m h n c s k  
ピャ ビャ ジャ ギャ リャ ミャ ヒャ ニャ チャ シャ キャ ya
ピュ ビュ ジュ ギュ リュ ミュ ヒュ ニュ チュ シュ キュ yu
ピョ ビョ ジョ ギョ リョ ミョ ヒョ ニョ チョ ショ キョ yo

Hard Consonant Sounds

While no single letter ends in a consonant sound (except 「ん」), Japanese does have a way to carry over the next consonant sound back with a small 「つ」. This can be used with the consonants “p, k, t, s” to create a hard stop.

For example, 「ひと」 (meaning “person”) would normally be read as “hi-to”. However, by adding a small 「つ」: 「ひと」, the “t” consonant sound is carried back and is pronounced “hit-to” (meaning “hit”).

Here are some more examples.

  1. トラク (to-rak-ku) play – truck
  2. し (zas-shi) play – magazine
  3. プ (kap-pu) play – cup

The Long Vowel Sound

We will now go over the long vowel sound which is simply extending the duration of a vowel sound. You can extend the vowel sound of a character by adding either 「あ」、「い」、or 「う」 depending on the vowel as shown in the following chart.

Extending Vowel Sounds
Vowel Sound Extended by
/ a /
/ i / e /
/ u / o /

For example, if you wanted to create an extended vowel sound from 「か」, you would add 「あ」 to create 「かあ」. Other examples would include: 「き → きい」, 「く → くう」, 「け → けい」, 「こ → こう」, 「さ → さあ」 and so on. The reason for this is quite simple. Try saying 「か」 and 「あ」 separately. Then say them in succession as fast as you can. You’ll notice that it’s easier to drag out the vowel.

It’s important to make sure you hold the vowel sound to the full length of both characters because there are many similar words that are only different by the length of the vowel. For example, 「ここ」 means “here” while 「こうこう」 means “High school”.

Here is a short list of example words with long vowel sounds. The long vowel sound is highlighted.

  1. がくせ (ga-ku-se) play – student
  2. せんせ (sen-se) play – teacher
  3. きょ (kyo) play – today
  4. おはよ (o-ha-yo) play – good morning
  5. おかさん (o-ka-san) play – mother

There are also a small number of exceptions where an “e” vowel sound is extended by adding 「え」 or an “o” vowel sound is extended with 「お」. We’ll see example of these words in later sections.

Long vowel sounds in Katakana are much easier. You simply need to use a dash: 「ー」.

  1. ツア (tsu-a) play – tour
  2. ル (me-ru) play – email
  3. キ (ke-ki) play – cake

Additional Katakana Sounds

「ふ」 is the only sound that is pronounced with a “f” sound, for example 「ふとん」 (futon) or 「ふじ」 (Fuji). That’s fine in Japanese because there are no words with other “f” sounds such as “fa”, “fi”, or “fo”. However, it’s a problem when converting foreign words such as “fork” into Katakana.

This problem was solved by using small vowel sounds. For example, the small 「ォ」 can be attached to 「フ」 to create 「フォ」 (fo). “Fork” then becomes [フォーク」. There are other gaps that are filled with this technique. The “v” sounds are also expressed by putting two dashes to the vowel sounds. However, “v” sounds are rarely used due to the difficulty native Japanese speakers have in pronouncing them.

The following table shows the gaps that were filled using these techniques for Katakana.

Additional sounds
v w f ch d t j sh  
ヴァ ファ チャ ジャ シャ a
ヴィ ウィ フィ ディ ティ i
チュ ドゥ トゥ ジュ シュ u
ヴェ ウェ フェ チェ ジェ シェ e
ヴォ ウォ フォ チョ ジョ ショ o
  1. ファ (so-fa) play – sofa
  2. ウィンドウズ (win-do-u-zu) play – Windows (as in MS Windows)
  3. ウォッカ (wok-ka) play – vodka
  4. チェック (chek-ku) play – check